Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS, holder of the CAIROX trademark, attaches the utmost importance to—and takes the utmost care to ensure—the protection of Personal Data and compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

Article 1: Foreword


The users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”, “you”, “User”) of the Internet website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) are encouraged to read this policy carefully before disclosing any Personal Data.


Article 2: General information


The purpose of this Policy is to inform Users how their Personal Data shall be collected, processed and used, and to inform them about their rights with respect to the relevant applicable provisions— in particular the French law on data protection of 6 January 1978 and the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).


In using the services offered by any of SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS, Users may be required to submit items of Personal Data, such as their surname, first name, business e-mail address, postal address and business telephone number, in particular.


By submitting this data, Users grant their express authorisation to the company in question for the collection, processing and storage of said data in accordance with the provisions of this Policy.


Article 3: Data Controller


The Personal Data of Users shall be collected, stored and processed by SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS, headquartered at Chemin de Rouville – 27460 ALIZAY – FRANCE


The Data Controller is:  AIRVANCE GROUP


Article 4: Purposes for which Personal Data is collected


This Privacy Policy covers the processing of Personal Data carried out in connection with:

  • The management of the Website and requests sent via the online contact form
  • The sending of newsletters
  • Employee recruitment
  • The management of customers, service providers and partners of t SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS


Specifically, any Personal Data collected shall be used by SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS for the purpose of managing your contact request (where the contact form is used). The items of data required in order to manage your request are indicated by an asterisk on each form. If you do not complete these mandatory fields, we shall not be able to respond to your requests and/or provide you with the requested services. Any additional information is optional—however, this allows us to better manage your request and to improve our services and communication with you.


Unless the User objects by ticking the relevant box, the Personal Data collected is also used in order to send information about SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS products, services and events. Users may unsubscribe from our communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each e-mail.


Any Personal Data submitted shall also be collected, stored and processed for the purpose of enabling Users to better navigate the Website (use of cookies).


It may also be used for the following purposes: recording a list of objections; recording requests by Users to access their Personal Data and requests by Users to correct their Personal data; carrying out canvassing and marketing activities (where Users do not object); compiling commercial statistics; conducting satisfaction surveys; improving the quality of services; conducting market research; or for statistical purposes.


The data shall be processed by internal departments of SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS (customer services, web content/marketing department, sales department) and by any subcontractors engaged for these purposes.


Finally, we may process Personal Data concerning you when you submit a speculative job application or respond to a job advertisement posted by one of SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS.

In this context, Personal Data concerning you shall be collected:

  • directly from you as part of the recruitment process;
  • indirectly from third parties used for the verification of your qualifications and references, with your consent.

Personal Data includes the following: surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number and professional experience, along with any other information you provide to us when you submit your application: photograph, languages spoken, salary expectations, home address, family status, etc.

This data is collected and stored only for the purpose of managing your application, on the basis of our legitimate interests and/or your consent. It is processed by the employees responsible for recruitment within SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS and any relevant subcontractors.

Furthermore, the Personal Data referred to above may be communicated to any authority that is legally authorised to receive said data, particularly in the case of a legal requisition from judicial, police or administrative authorities.


We undertake to collect only personal information that is necessary in order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, in a manner that is proportionate and restricted.


Article 5: Data retention period


Personal Data that is subject to automatic processing shall be stored in a format that allows the identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is stored, as specified in Article 4 of this Policy.


Data retention periods shall be communicated to Data Subjects on request.


The storage of Personal Data collected in connection with a job application is subject to the following retention periods :

  • where there is a positive outcome to the job application: for the period of employment within SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS and the applicable legal retention period following the employee’s departure.
  • where there is a negative outcome to the job application: for two years, except where you lodge your objection.

Article 6: Legal basis for data processing


Personal Data shall be collected on the basis of the following:

  • a contract to which the Data Subject is party (directly or as a legal representative)
  • the express consent of the Data Subject, where such consent is mandatory
  • legal authorisation (Article 9 LIL – Article 9 GDPR)
  • a legal obligation, in particular with respect to the preservation and archiving of data
  • legitimate interests.


Article 7: Rights of Website Users


Any User whose Personal Data has been collected has the right to access said data, to object to or restrict its processing or to request its correction or erasure.


The Data Subject also has the right to withdraw consent at any time where said consent constitutes the legal basis for the processing in question.


Any requests or enquiries relating to the management of your Personal Data should be sent via e-mail to the Data Controller at the following e-mail address:

The request must include the surname and first name, e-mail or postal address of the Data Subject and be signed and accompanied by a current, valid proof of identity.


Article 8: Objections


The Data Subject whose Personal Data is processed shall have the right to lodge an objection with the supervisory authority (CNIL for any appeal brought in France).


Article 9: Subcontractors


We never share your Personal Data with other companies for marketing purposes.


We engage subcontractors for certain processing activities with respect to Users’ Personal Data.


Each subcontractor shall act only on instructions from SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS and undertakes to provide the same guaranteed level of data protection.


Each subcontractor shall implement suitable technical and organisational measures in order to ensure that its data processing is compliant with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.


We only engage subcontractors who:

  • are domiciled in a country of the European Union, or
  • are domiciled in a country demonstrating an adequate level of protection as defined by the European data protection authorities, or
  • have in place the appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46 GDPR.


Otherwise, data may only be transferred in compliance with Article 49 GDPR.


Article 10: Use of cookies


Cookies are small pieces of information that a website installs on a User’s computer for the purpose of retaining this information for the next time the User visits said website.


Temporary cookies are only stored in the browser’s cookie file until the end of the website session. This type of cookie is vital for certain applications and functions on the website, which cannot function without them.


Permanent cookies are used in order to personalise your visit to the website (e.g. by storing information that you have entered via forms on our Website). These cookies remain stored in the browser’s cookie file, depending on the User’s settings, beyond the User’s visit to the Website.


The following analytical cookies, audience measurement cookies and trackers are used on the Website: Google Analytics


Cookies may be deleted or accepted by the User by changing the browser settings.


The configuration of each browser is different with respect to managing cookies and your preferences. Information can be found in our browser’s Help menu, which will explain how you can change your cookie preferences.


The storage of a cookie in your device is essentially contingent upon your consent, which you can express and modify at any time, free of charge, via the options offered by your browser software.


For example, you can set your browser to decline cookies. In light of this, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that by setting your browser to decline cookies, certain functions, pages and sections of the Website shall not be accessible; we cannot take responsibility in this case.


Finally, our Website contains Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter sharing buttons that allow you to share or post content from our Website on other websites.


These social networks are likely to identify you via this button, even if you did not use said button during your session on our Website.


This type of button may allow the respective social network to track your browsing activity on our Website, simply because you are logged in to your account for the respective social network on your device while browsing our Website. We recommend that you consult the policies of these social networks so that you are aware of the purposes (in particular for advertising) of any browsing information that they may collect. These policies must, in particular, allow you to exercise your choices with respect to these social networks, in particular by enabling the personalised configuration of each of your user accounts.


To manage your data on Facebook:

To manage your data on LinkedIn :

To manage your data on Twitter:


It is, of course, a given that if you disable these cookies, all interaction with the social network(s) in question shall be blocked.


Article 11: Data security


SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS takes all necessary precautions—whether of a physical, administrative or organisational nature—with respect to the type of data that they process and the risks posed by different processing operations, in order to safeguard data security and to prevent data from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.


Where some or all processing of Personal Data is performed by one or more subcontractors, the security and confidentiality of Personal Data shall be contractually guaranteed by said subcontractors, by means of technical data protection measures and the appropriate human resources.


Article 12: Data relating to minors

SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS products, services and events are not intended for minors. We therefore do not knowingly collect or process Personal Data relating to minors.

Article 13: Third-party websites


Links present on the Website may direct you to external websites. In light of this, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the data privacy policies applicable to these websites may differ from this Policy. In this context, it is recommended in all cases to read the data privacy policy applicable to each of the websites in question.

In any event, SOCIETE INDUSTRIELLE DE L’OUEST DES PRODUITS ISOLANTS cannot be held liable in cases where the content of one of these websites contravenes the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.


Article 14: Updates to the Data Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy is subject to change or modification at any time.


You are encouraged to refer to it on a regular basis.



Last amendment: February 02, 2023